Biomarker Testing: What Employers and Insurers Need to Know
The National Cancer Treatment Alliance (NCTA) held a webinar on Tuesday, August 27, at 1 p.m. ET for an overview of biomarker testing, the benefits of providing it for employees, and solutions to common barriers when making these resources available.
Thanks to modern biomarker testing, identifying risk factors and cancer variants is easier than ever. However, many employers are unaware or not apprised of its benefits, and insurers may not fully understand the testing process. In this webinar, NCTA’s Chief Medical Officer Fred Schnell, MD, FACP, and Pontchartrain Cancer Center CEO Kathy Oubre, MS, will provide an overview of biomarker testing and its current capabilities, coverage guidelines from major payers, and how employers can integrate testing into their coverage plans.
Employers, business groups, insurance consultants, and purchasers are urged to attend this webinar to learn more about the benefits that biomarker testing provides for patients with cancer.